Friday, July 5, 2013

RBJ Lives On!

Recently, the YAB and RBJ have been ever so close. It feels as though we're inseparable! The YAB helped kick off summer for RBJ residents by having a little get-together. We had many stations such as build-your- own parfait and trail mix,terrariums,paint-your-own birdhouses, and decorate hats. It was a great day and even better when Baile Folklorico came to dance for the residents. Plus, Ms.Choco Leandro came. If you don't know who Ms.Choco is-and you should because she's amazing- she just so happens to be working with NCLR! It got even better when Ms. Pam Parker from Born Again Bodies taught and did a little samba and meringue with the residents. Those residents know how to dance! After all that dancing and building of crafts the residents helped us pack up. We didn't want to say goodbye but, it wasn't like we were leaving for good. We'll be back and when we do, you better watch out because we will smother you with all our love and care. See you next time! Now. it's time for some Longhorn Steakhouse, yay!

Date: 7/1/13


Food Bank at Jain Lane

Wow these summer days are beating us but, us YAB are strong. Today our YAB set up tables and helped pass out flyers on healthy living, great-and free- activities like yoga, and safe driving. Many people came to our booth with different views on safe driving. One lady said that she had a nephew who loved texting so we went ahead and made sure she had plenty of warnings to help him control himself like our classic thumb bands. The thumb bands are used as a reminder for people texting while driving. After a long day of working, the work wasn't over, the YAB helped pass out food to the community. Nothing sums up our day like helping our people.


Annual Globey Awards 2012-13

Every year, EAPrep hosts an annual award ceremony for students who went far and beyond to make a great game in our game design class or better known as Globaloria. This year one of our prestige students one a great prize and award for best game. Let's give a round of applause for Michael Alvarez. Michael is a very intelligent and talented student at our school and proves that you can never succeed to much until you try. He has been awarded for many things for example the Scholastic Art & Writing award. Congrats Michael and all other winners in the Globeys!

Date: 6/3/13

If you want to check out Michael's game click the link below.